Requests for Exemptions

We have had many requests since the beginning of Covid for exemptions for masks or vaccines. Please note, your Midwives are NOT ABLE to provide these.

Mask Exemptions:

Masks are required in our office by Public Health Law unless you have a medical exemption. However, the Canadian Thoracic Society has published a statement that there is NO evidence that wearing a mask is unsafe for people who have underlying breathing conditions.

Pregnancy can make you feel short of breath, but there is no evidence that wearing a mask will deprive you or your baby of oxygen. Therefore, we can not write you a mask exemption on the basis of being pregnant.

If you have other severe conditions that do affect your breathing or oxygen levels please talk to your Midwives as soon as possible to discuss if midwifery care is the safest option for your pregnancy.

Vaccine Exemptions:

Public spaces and many workplaces now require proof of vaccination to enter. Public Health states that there are only 2 admissible reasons for medical exemption from vaccination.

1) A severe allergy to a vaccine ingredient, confirmed by an allergist

2) A documented severe reaction to the first dose of vaccine

Both of these are outside the scope of Midwifery Care to diagnose or treat. If either applies to you, please see your specialist.

Pregnant people who get Covid-19 face risks of severe illness, ICU admission and preterm birth. The Covid-19 vaccines approved in Canada are safe and recommended for ALL pregnant people.




All About Due Dates


Covid Vaccines now available for all pregnant people in Ontario